It’s been a year and some change since my last post. A year I’ve paid for this domain with no updates. A year of wondering if paying for it was a waste. A year I’ve contemplated writing but didn’t for this, that and another slew of reasons, excuses.
But despite the silence here, life has kept going. And it’s been a whirlwind, especially as of late.
I’m 18 weeks pregnant with baby #3 and it’s taken me this long to come around to it all. The first 14 or so weeks was challenging, to say the least. Battling morning sickness, but you know the “all day kind” (why do they even call it morning sickness? What a misnomer…), while being home full-time with an active toddler was overwhelming. Wrapping my head around being pregnant this time around, when it hadn’t been in my plans, has been emotionally exhausting. But now, in week 18, I am turning a corner.
Pregnancy has always been about not only preparation to birth the new life growing in me, but also birthing a new me. A new season, a new self, a new identity. And sometimes that’s the hardest work.
Pregnancy does a weird thing. It surfaces emotions, thoughts and makes me dig deep… and sparks in me a desire to be vulnerable, to be creative, to embrace the raw beauty of life.
It’s taken me some time but here’s to being back, in this space, taking up space and being present.