Pregnancy #2: 37 weeks

by Grace Ko

We’re in the final countdown!

This week has been peppered with tears, both of the happy and sad kind. I find myself equally excited as I am nervous for all that is to come. I’m at the crossroads of both an end and a beginning. I’m grieving and anticipating.


At 8 months~

Baby's size: A mini watermelon! Weighing about 7 lbs and measuring 20 inches in length!
Pros: Nesting has really kicked in. I have done many loads of laundry and have organized baby girl’s clothes and her set-up for the first few months.
Cons: Rib pain!
Craving: Watermelon
Outlook on the coming of baby: Excited and nervous!
Feelings about husband and J: They’ve both been the sweetest. I am confident hubby will be the best daddy to baby girl but I’m growing in excitement to see J as a big brother. He’s been calling her by name and now her Korean name as well. :) It melts my heart.