Recent Reads

by Grace Ko in ,

My childhood friend, Christine has a blog (one I’ve been a big fan of for years). Not only does she beautifully capture her life, her family and her adventures, she has a series called “What I’m Reading” that serves as a constant inspiration for more reading, which I always welcome.

Lately, I’ve found myself talking incessantly about a book I recently finished. So rather than talking off the ears of any friends that will listen, I thought I’d do my own version of “What I’m Reading”.

Rich People Problems, by Kevin Kwan

This year, I began listening to books on Audible and boy, has it been the best thing ever! This one was one I listened to. It’s the third book in the Crazy Rich Asians triology. Ever since I read Crazy Rich Asians and heard it was going to be made into a movie, I anxiously awaited for it to premiere here in Korea. With a little one, it’s not always easy to find the opportunity to catch a showing but Y and I made it happen before they stopped showing it here in Korea. Since, I have listened to China Rich Girlfriend and most recently, Rich People Problems. It was hilarious, having me chuckle to myself, legit laugh out loud. There was a hint of mystery and suspense but nothing too crazy. I enjoy the details of fashion, jewelry and travels interwoven in Kevin Kwan’s books. This book left me desperately wanting to travel to Singapore.

The Gratitude Diaries, by Janice Kaplan

I found out about this book through one of my favorite YouTubers, MKTV. (She’s a famous lecturer/motivational speaker here in Korea and I’ve been recently watching a lot of her videos for inspiration but also to study Korean.) Janice Kaplan embarks on a year-long gratitude project and shares how it changed her life. This book was the perfect mixture of research and anecdotes. I thoroughly enjoyed it and felt challenged by her personal stories. Gratitude, like any practice, takes just that, practice. But once we begin to build that gratitude muscle, it becomes easier and easier. And it can literally changes your body, your health! And the best thing? Gratitude is contagious! This is the book I’ve been nonstop talking about to many around me and I don’t think I’ll stop anytime soon. (More posts about Gratitude to come!)

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, by J.K. Rowling

This is one I’m currently listening to. But technically, it’s a re-read. It’s a perfect fit for the season with October (and Halloween) approaching. I have a confession. I never finished reading/watching the Harry Potter series. And every time I mean to, I tell myself I’ll start from the beginning to do it “justice”. So here it goes! I love this world that J.K. Rowling created. I’m curious as to what it’ll be like to reread this as an adult.

*** [If you have read any of these, let me know your thoughts! Also, feel free to share any book recommendations! Comment on the post!]