"Motherhood in the Motherland": MY PODCAST

by Grace Ko

I did a thing!

I started a podcast!

It’s been something on my heart for quite some time but between having three kids and well, just life, I kept putting it off. But recently, a lot happened to move me to start, one of them being books I’ve been recently reading, one being “시작은 언제나 옳다” and the other, “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron.

Join me on “Motherhood in the Motherland” as I share my experience as a Korean American mom of three navigating parenting/motherhood, life as an expat/”gyopo” 교포 and cultural differences in Korea, my motherland.

You can follow and listen to “Motherhood in the Motherland” on Apple and Spotify.

In my first episode- “Back to the Motherland: Why we moved to Korea” where I share about what stirred me to (finally!) start this podcast, the story behind why my husband and I moved to Korea and how our move to Korea fundamentally changed us.

Please leave me a comment on this post to share your thoughts or any ideas for future episodes!!!