Pregnancy #2: 33 weeks

by Grace Ko

Let’s rewind a few weeks back to 33 weeks.

It’s a noteworthy week because I felt a shift. I had been struggling with my changing body and the weight I was rapidly gaining despite all the efforts I was putting in to exercise everyday and eat healthily (for the most part). But one evening, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and something clicked. “I’m not gaining weight for unhealthy reasons. I’m growing a life inside of me! And my body is doing what it needs to sustain this life!” And all of a sudden, in that very moment, my thicker thighs and my bigger butt began looking beautiful to me! And I was overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude to this body of mine.


At 8 months~

Baby's size: A butternut squash! 16 inches in length and about 4.5 pounds!
Pros: Daily workouts! I have been enjoying going on a long morning walk and it’s been wonderful!
Cons: Sleep is evading me... I’ve been waking up every two hours like clockwork to pee but it’s becoming harder to fall back asleep. But luckily, with J back in daycare, I have been able to afford the occasional nap here and there when I need it.
Craving: Fresh summer rolls!
Outlook on the coming of baby: Growing more and more excited! We had another doctor appointment and it’s always nice getting to check in with her. I’ve also been super grateful for quiet moments I can spend in reflection, prayer and rest, just me and babe.
Feelings about husband and J: This week, Y and I were able to squeeze in a day date. He had Memorial Day off and J went to daycare so we were able to run some errands, pick up some things for baby and even get brunch! I have been soaking in these moments of “freedom”. And J? I’m so proud of him. After three months of being home with me, I was worried whether J would be able to adjust to a new daycare. But he’s been a champ! He gets on the bus without crying and has been making strides at daycare even though it’s a completely new daycare, with new classmates and a new teacher.