32 weeks

by Grace Ko

Hey there, 8 months! Hey!

Week 32 included two Thanksgiving feasts, a baby shower and a lot of celebrations. 

Thanksgiving is maybe one of my favorite holidays and the start of the "best time of the year". It was easier to embrace the holiday spirit this year with baby growing in my belly and even more excuse to stuff my face with delicious eats. We brought American Thanksgiving with us down to Gwangju to my parents' and shared in this tradition of breaking bread with some pastors' families. There was guitar-playing, sing-a-longs and a competitive round of Jenga. The weekend was elevated with a lot of dreaming & sketching of future plans and visions, while Pentatonix Christmas songs played on repeat - my dad's current obsession. [Baby, I hope you love music like your grandpa.]  

At 8 months~

Baby's size: A jicama! (a what?) According to the baby app, he may be around 3 3/4 pounds and 16.7 inches long (although our doctor says he's a bit on the smaller side, which I'm not upset with as long as he's healthy). He has fingernails and toenails!
Pros: Seeing my belly move! 
Cons: Heartburn and staying asleep has become much more difficult
Craving: Fries! 
Outlook on the coming of baby: Nervous about labor and delivery. But baby, reading your aunties and uncles' hopes and wishes for you make me so excited to raise you alongside such a loving and supportive community. 
Feelings about husband: I find myself thinking my husband is so darn cute lately. (I hope baby's cute like him.) I'm not sure how this is possible but I'm pretty sure he's getting funnier by the day and becoming more and more tender.