
by Grace Ko

We've always loved to travel. It's been an integral part of our relationship and connection since our days dating. The anticipation before arriving to a new destination, the process of discovering local gems and hidden treasures, the exploration, the intermittent and intentional moments of relaxation. 

Truthfully, we've both been grieving the absence of traveling we will experience once baby arrives so we've sought out any opportunity to travel, out of the city, out of the country. And a babymoon was a perfect excuse to be whisked away for a weekend. Guam may not have been our first choice but it was good nonetheless. 

I still chuckle at the fact that my husband milked every opportunity to pull the "pregnant woman" card. But hey, when else can you freely do that then on a babymoon?

We slept in. We ate to our hearts' content. We took naps. We did late night Kmart and Wendy's runs and pretended we were back home (though at home they would've been Target runs). We lounged poolside and shoreside. Hours were spent in a bikini, mainly because they were the only swimwear I had on hand but also because when else can I flaunt a big belly? We both finished a book each. We worked on our tans. 

The sun, the warmth, the rest. It did my body good and helped me finally get over an ugly cold and sinus infection. 

Though this may be our last trip "just the two of us" we spent much time chatting and scheming about what travels will look like post-baby and we hope/pray/dream to continue the adventures as a family of three. 
