I'm a bit ashamed that I am writing my first pregnancy update on this blog at 25 weeks, but hey ho! Better late than never, right?
I've been getting asked, "How many months are you?" And I always need to stop and calculate because pregnancy is measured by weeks. But at 25 weeks, I guess I'm 6 months and then some.
At 25 weeks, the baby is about the size of a rutabaga, measuring 13.5 inches from head to heels (!!!) Sometimes, I look down at my growing belly but am amazed to think there's a 13.5-inch baby in there! Baby is starting to put on some fat and we could tell when we saw him (it's a boy!) at our ultrasound.
Our gender announcement on Instagram: "9 years ago, I met a guy nicknamed "Wolverine". 5 years ago, I became "Mrs" to Wolverine. Now, we're having Baby Wolverine!"
I've been thoroughly enjoying meat (a vast difference from first trimester when I couldn't even stand the thought of it), I have a nightly ritual of snacking on milk & cereal (another oddity as I typically hate milk and rarely eat cereal), I am thankful for Pilates lessons and evening walks with the husband. I love that we have started routines, such as reading to baby before we go to bed. (We just finished reading him The Cricket in Times Square.) I'm not enjoying the struggle of finding clothes that fit and I'm truthfully a bit jealous my husband just keeps getting slimmer and fitter while I sometimes feel like a whale, but hey, I'm busy growing a baby.