Chuncheon and Chicken

by Grace Ko

As much as I love the hustle and bustle of the city, I do admit, sometimes it's nice to escape from it all and run to the countryside to frolic in fields of green without turning back. 

A few weekends ago, a few friends and I decided to retreat from the organized chaos of Seoul and we went to Chuncheon. We took a ferry to Nami Island, strolled through sand, grass and gravel along paths of tall trees pointed skyward. We skipped rocks along a stream and discovered a congregation of thousands (yes, thousands) of tadpoles. We filled our hungry (borderline hangry for me) stomachs with what Chuncheon's best: dakgalbi 닭갈비 and makgooksoo 막국수. Conversation got deep and there were tears shed. We then ended our evening at a cafe with a lookout point and breathed in the surrounding scenery. 

The best part of the whole day may have been our ride back to the city, our car overflowing with songs, worship. It was a trip of reviving our tired bodies, weary souls, jaded hearts. It was a trip where the breath of life was breathed back into us so that we can return home, to the city to be salty. 

I am thankful for friends and for spontaneous trips with friends. I am thankful for the city and for the country. I am thankful for THIS city and THIS country.