Friday Favorites

by Grace Ko in

Weeks have turned into months, flying by right before my eyes. And I desperately and frantically wave my arms in attempt to grab time and make it slow down, to stay a while so that I can embrace now. How is it already the end of 2015? 

This week, I have begun my "End of the year" reflections. It's been a season of all kinds of dichotomies and deserves a good chunk of time to processing through. 

This weekend, I look forward to quality time (the best kind of time) with friends and family, celebration of my grandmother's birthday, calligraphy practice, and a fresh [hair] cut.

Happy Friday! 

Cheers to a healthy, fit 2016!

Cheers to a healthy, fit 2016!

Creativity and inspiration 

Creativity and inspiration 

Discovering gems throughout the city: "You are here" 

Discovering gems throughout the city: "You are here" 

Reading between the lines and light

Reading between the lines and light

The best time of the year! 

The best time of the year!