Friday Favorites

by Grace Ko

Confession: I have never been one to watch the news or read the newspaper. I remember when I was in elementary school, I would always have "Current Events" homework that I had always dreaded doing. And to be quite honest, though I am well into my adulthood now, I still don't like watching or reading the news as it is often grim and upsetting. It only reminds me of the brokenness in this world and sometimes, I would rather just not think about it. But recently, I have realized just how selfish my mentality has been - my privilege of not having to hear or read so that I can maintain my level of comfort. 

This week has had its ups and downs. With many loved ones scattered around the world, I have been trying to keep up with what is going on in the world, to my best ability. But often, I find myself feeling quite discouraged and I realize just how small I am and how little is in my control. I have also been missing my parents and the husband while he is away.

But the week has also been chock-full of quality time with the brother, catching up with girlfriends, city dates, dinner dates. I am so thankful for and deeply cherishing these times of refreshment, rejuvenation and renewal.  

Hoping you all have a refreshing weekend! 

Sending the husband off! 

Sending the husband off! 

Brunch with my dear friend S - I cherish these times I get with her 

Brunch with my dear friend S - I cherish these times I get with her 

A hilarious moment in Union Square with my girlfriends, C and K 

A hilarious moment in Union Square with my girlfriends, C and K 

Sunday dinner date with the brother! Celebrating his softball team's undefeated season with good food, good company, good talks. 

Sunday dinner date with the brother! Celebrating his softball team's undefeated season with good food, good company, good talks. 

Exploring a new ramen joint with J unni. I devoured my ramen. 

Exploring a new ramen joint with J unni. I devoured my ramen.