It's a peculiar thing that when you get married, your family grows. I had a hard time conceptualizing it when I was engaged about to be married and even had a hard time understanding it fully even after I got married.
Three years in, I'm still learning but it's a pretty cool thing - more people to love and to be loved by.
This past weekend, my parents, my brother, the husband and I packed our Honda Accord and headed down to Northern Virginia for the weekend to get together with my in-laws.
The car ride down was full of traffic but nothing some Backstreet Boys Millenium couldn't cure.
On the way down, we stopped by Maryland for some crabs.
Preparing for warfare
Oysters on a halfshell.
My three favorite guys
Boys will be boys - what they do while waiting for crabs
Mamabear and I
Red looks good on you.
It's on!
Onion rings at sunset